En relación con el artículo comentado en el post anterior, me ha parecido muy interesante una observación que he leido en este blog:
Cito el párrafo que me ha llamado la atención:
"Cabe destacar al principio del artículo que en sólo dos fuentes de información como son las revistas mencionadas por el autor (El profesional de la información y Educación y biblioteca) sean fuentes dónde únicamente en España podíamos encontrar información más específica y centrada en cuanto a la Web Social. Teniendo en cuenta que el artículo que hemos leído se publicó en 2009, creo que en esa fecha ya la Web Social estaba muy presente en la vida de muchos de nosotros. Es verdad que en estos dos últimos años los estudios más profundos sobre Web Social en el ámbito de los servicios de información y bibliotecas haya evolucionado de forma considerable, y por ello espero que ahora sean muchas las fuentes en las que podamos encontrar información científica y de investigación sobre web social y los centros de información."
He lanzado una búsqueda rápida a través de la Biblioteca de la Carlos III, usando Universo-e, y he localizado 17 artículos publicados en 2010 y 2011 y más o menos relacionados con este tema (eso sí, la mayoría en inglés, como era de esperar). Sería necesario examinar estos artículos más despacio, ya que mi selección ha sido bastante rápida y probablemente no todos serán realmente de interés para nosotros, pero al menos es un punto de partida.
La búsqueda la he lanzado mediante el término "web social" y buscando sólo en recursos de Biblioteconomía y Documentación.
En la lista que se detalla a continuación, he copiado directamente la información que aparece en Universo-e, sin preocuparme de normalizar los campos, etc. Para los autores, he tomado sólo los que Universo-e presenta en el campo "Autor", sin incluir los que aparecen en " Autor/Editor alt.".
Estos son los 17 artículos seleccionados:
1. Olaniran, Bolanle A. "Challenges Facing the Semantic Web and Social Software as Communication Technology Agents in E-Learning Environments". International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments vol. 1, no. 4 (Oct 2010), p. 18
Resumen: The semantic web describes the process whereby information content is made available for machine consumption. With increased reliance on information communication technologies, the semantic
web promises effective and efficient information acquisition and dissemination of products and services in the global economy, in particular e-learning. Despite the semantic web s promises, certain challenges face the realization of these goals. In this paper the author addresses key challenges, including technological and socio-cultural issues, in addition to discussing specific implications relating to the direction of the semantic web.
2. van der Molen, G. "Self Service": Sharing Cultural Heritage with Web 2.0". IEEE INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL COMUNICATION CONFERENCE : 180-182 2010
Resumen: Achteruitkijkspiegel (www.achteruitkijkspiegel.nl) is an interactive local history web site that will be created with input from the public, schools, businesses, and organisations. The advanced information design uses XML-Encoded Archival Description, Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, Geo-data, and Google maps. The debate in the Dutch media about the benefits of a national timeline inspired the author to develop a way of using contemporary social media to strengthen historical awareness. The Achteruitkijkspiegel (literally: rear-view mirror) aims to develop in ways that make it easy and fun to discover relationships between objects (images, documents) and historical knowledge (oral history). The project, the initiative of a company specialising in knowledge management, is subsidised by the Municipality of Enschede and receives additional financial support from the Province of Overijssel. The aim is to extend the project to other interested Dutch municipalities in 2010.
3. Iannella, Renato. "Towards E-Society Policy Interoperability for Social Web Networks". International Journal of E-Adoption vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 2010), p. 13
Resumen: The move toward Policy-Oriented Web is destined to provide support for policy expression and management in the core web layers. One of the most promising areas that can drive this new technology adoption is e-Society communities. With so much user-generated content being shared by these social networks, there is the real danger that the implicit sharing rules that communities have developed over time will be lost in translation in the new digital communities. This will lead to a corresponding loss in confidence in e-Society sites. The Policy-Oriented Web attempts to turn the implicit into the explicit with a common framework for policy language interoperability and awareness. This paper reports on the policy driving factors from the Social Networks experiences using real-world use cases and scenarios. In particular the key functions of policy-awareness -- for privacy, rights, and identity -- will be the driving force that enables the e-Society to appreciate new interoperable policy regimes.
4. García Laborda, Jesús. "Cambios en los estilos de aprendizaje inducidos por el uso de la web social". RED: Revista de Educación a Distancia
5. Karapantelakis, A. "Utilizing Social Context for Providing Personalized Services to Mobile Users". SMART SENSING AND CONTEXT 6446: 28-41 2010
Resumen: We are currently witnessing a growing tendency for users to engage in social activities on the Internet. Consequently, social networks - tools that enable such activities - are increasingly used. This paper describes a system that uses information users share on these networks (personal context), to recommend Web feeds of related content to users. The system mines data from popular social networks and combines it with information from third party websites to create user profiles. Subsequently, these profiles are matched with appropriately tagged Web feeds and are displayed to users through a mobile device application. We evaluate the system with a 6-month test run involving real users. We measure the system's performance as well as user satisfaction and assessment of the accuracy of recommendations by including a feedback mechanism on the mobile application.
6. Stankovic, M. "Directing Status Messages to Their Audience in Online Communities". COORDINATION, ORGANIZATIONS, INSTITUTIONS AND NORMS IN AGENT SYSTEMS V 6069: 195-210 2010
Resumen: Social interactions have become an important element of today's Web through sites like Social Networks and other online communities. In this paper we focus on a particular aspect of the "Social Web" - the exchange of status messages (short text messages usually broadcasted to a large audience). We investigate the nature of the status message sharing phenomenon and the issues that surround it by the means of a qualitative user study. The results suggest the need to introduce the notion of audience of a status message in the broadcasting in order to prevent the issues of "Gap of Understanding", "Lack of Significance" and "Privacy". In the second part of the paper we present the requirements for a system that would overcome those issues, and seek the concrete solutions in the emerging "Semantic Web" technologies. We present a way how "Semantic Web" ontologies and rules could be used to address the problem of directing status messages to their intended audience. Particularly we show how semantic descriptions of status messages and their intended audiences can be beneficially coupled with the existing distributed data about users to direct status messages to their intended recipients.
7. Nocker, G. "Trends of future health communication and promotion via-Web 2.0 /Social Media". EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 20: 268-268 Suppl. 1 NOV 2010
8. Hartzel, Kathleen S. "Corporate Posts and Tweets: Brand Control in Web 2.0". Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Mar2011, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p51-58
Resumen: Social networking, through media such as Twitter and Facebook, is changing influence streams on consumer (customer) attitudes and behaviours. The direct and readily available consumer-to-consumer communication, made accessible through social networking, provides a repository of information from one's referent group, as well as an organisation's customer-facing facade. Therefore as connections among customers increase, the customers assume a higher degree of brand control at the expense of corporate marketing efforts to establish a specific brand image. This paper presents the results of interviews with four organisations that have created interactive marketing strategies built upon social networking. These companies are using social media and social networks to create online communities where they can leverage peer-to-peer network influence and use this influence to reinforce or increase a positive brand image.
9. Aharony, Noa. "Web 2.0 in the professional LIS literature: An exploratory analysis". Journal of Librarianship & Information Science 03/01/2011, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p3-13
Resumen: This paper presents a statistical descriptive analysis and a thorough content analysis of descriptors and journal titles extracted from the Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) database, focusing on the subject of Web 2.0 and its main applications: blog, wiki, social network and tags.The primary research questions include: whether the phenomenon of Web 2.0 with its various applications is significantly expressed in the professional LIS literature; which kind of journals deal with Web 2.0 and its applications; and what are the emerging issues or trends expressed in the professional LIS literature. The findings reveal that the percentage of peer-reviewed articles concerning Web 2.0 is quite low, and a close link between Web 2.0 and library issues. This tendency may suggest the potential of Web 2.0 and its implications for libraries, as presented in the professional LIS literature.
10. Zhong, Bu; Hardin, Marie; Sun, Tao. "Less effortful thinking leads to more social networking? The associations between the use of social network sites and personality traits." Computers in Human Behavior May2011, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p1265-1271
Resumen: Social network sites (SNS) have become an important social milieu that enables interpersonal communication by allowing users to share and create information. This study explored the associations between SNS use and personality traits, i.e., need for cognition (NFC) and information and communication technology (ICT) innovativeness. The findings showed that the SNS use had a negative association with NFC and a positive association with ICT innovativeness. Specifically, people who were more likely to engage in effortful thinking used SNS less often, and those who were high in ICT innovativeness used SNS more often. Meanwhile, those who spent more time on SNS were more likely to be multitaskers. Additionally, those who spent more time on SNS also spent more Internet time in general, more online time for study/work and more time in surfing the Web with no specific purpose. This study, which could be a first look at the link between social networking and our thinking, provides evidence for the associations between social media use and personality traits.
11. Maamar, Z. "Why Web Services Need Social Networks". IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING 15 (2): 90-94 MAR-APR 2011
12. Meditskos, G.; Bassiliades, N. "A combinatory framework of Web 2.0 mashup tools, OWL-S and UDDI". Expert Systems with Applications Jun2011, Vol. 38 Issue 6, p6657-6668
Resumen: Abstract: The increasing number of Web 2.0 applications, such as wikis or social networking sites, indicates a movement to large-scale collaborative and social Web activities. Users can share information, add value to Web applications by using them or aggregate data from different sources creating Web applications (mashups) using specialized tools (mashup tools). However, Web 2.0 is not a new technology, but it rather embraces a new philosophy, treating the Internet as a platform. Several issues related to the Semantic Web vision, such as interoperability or machine understandable data semantics, are not tackled by Web 2.0. In this paper, we present our effort to combine semantic Web services (SWS) discovery frameworks, UDDI repositories and existing mashup tools in order to enhance the procedure of developing mashups with semantic mashup discovery capabilities. Towards this end, we introduce a social-oriented extension of OWL-S advertisements, their mapping algorithm on UDDI repositories and a semantic mashup discovery algorithm. Finally, we elaborate on the way our framework has been realized using the Yahoo Pipes mashup tool.
13. Flanagin, Andrew J. "FROM ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA TO WIKIPEDIA". Information, Communication & Society Apr2011, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p355-374
Resumen: This study examined the perceived credibility of user-generated (i.e. Wikipedia) versus more expertly provided online encyclopedic information (i.e. Citizendium, and the online version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica) across generations. Two large-scale surveys with embedded quasi-experiments were conducted: among 11-18-year-olds living at home and among adults 18 years and older. Results showed that although use of Wikipedia is common, many people (particularly adults) do not truly comprehend how Wikipedia operates in terms of information provision, and that while people trust Wikipedia as an information source, they express doubt about the appropriateness of doing so. A companion quasi-experiment found that both children and adults assess information to be more credible when it originates or appears to originate from Encyclopaedia Britannica. In addition, children rated information from Wikipedia to be less believable when they viewed it on Wikipedia's site than when that same information appeared on either Citizendium's site or on Encyclopaedia Britannica's site. Indeed, content originating from Wikipedia was perceived by children as least credible when it was shown on a Wikipedia page, yet the most credible when it was shown on the page of Encyclopaedia Britannica. The practical and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.
14. Lehman, Kathy. "Experience Web 2.0 Stress Free". Library Media Connection Mar/Apr2011, Vol. 29 Issue 5, p40-42
Resumen: The article offers information on various educational Web 2.0 applications. It focuses on the usage of Microsoft SharePoint program which allows students to experience the educational benefits of social interaction including idea exchanges and problem solving via the Internet under the supervision of the teacher. It discusses the incorporation of blogs and wikis in student learning programs that aims to attain stress free discussions between the teachers and students.
15. Tseng, Shu-Mei; Huang, Jiao-Sheng. "The correlation between Wikipedia and knowledge sharing on job performance". Expert Systems with Applications May2011, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p6118-6124
Resumen: The development of Web 2.0 has meant that Internet users are no longer passive recipients of information. They can now share their knowledge and interact with others. Wikipedia allows users to create, edit, and link pages together. It is often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. Since Wikipedia is editable by anyone with Internet access it has accelerated the rise of knowledge sharing. Little research has been done on Wikipedia. Therefore, this study is examines the content, technical and social values of Wikipedia to explore its influence on knowledge sharing and job performance. A questionnaire and statistical analytical techniques were employed to gain a better understanding of Wikipedia, knowledge sharing, and job performance. The results indicated that Wikipedia has a significant effect on knowledge sharing and job performance, which implies that enterprises could employ Wikipedia to increase willingness among the workers to share knowledge and enhance job performance.
16. Wei, Dong; Zhou, Tao; Cimini, Giulio; Wu, Pei; Liu, Weiping; Zhang, Yi-Cheng. "Effective mechanism for social recommendation of news". Physica A Jun2011, Vol. 390 Issue 11, p2117-2126
Resumen: Recommender systems represent an important tool for news distribution on the Internet. In this work we modify a recently proposed social recommendation model in order to deal with no explicit ratings of users on news. The model consists of a network of users which continually adapts in order to achieve an efficient news traffic. To optimize the network's topology we propose different stochastic algorithms that are scalable with respect to the network's size. Agent-based simulations reveal the features and the performance of these algorithms. To overcome the resultant drawbacks of each method we introduce two improved algorithms and show that they can optimize the network's topology almost as fast and effectively as other not-scalable methods that make use of much more information.
17. Teclehaimanot, Berhane; Hickman, Torey. "Student-Teacher Interaction on Facebook: What Students Find Appropriate". TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning May2011, Vol. 55 Issue 3, p19-30
Resumen: Web 2.0 technologies such as Facebook, a popular social networking site, provide educators with new possibilities for reaching their students. As these technologies are new, there is not a total understanding of how these technologies could best be used in education. This study helps to develop this understanding by investigating how appropriate students find student-teacher interactions on Facebook. The results indicate that students find passive behaviors more appropriate than active behaviors with no difference depending on whether students or teachers perform the behaviors. Additionally, men find student-teacher interactions on Facebook more appropriate than women while no difference exists between undergraduate and graduate students, and age was not related to finding the interactions more or less appropriate.
Gracias Luis por ver que al menos no estoy mal encaminada, ¿pero no crees que aún haciendo tu búsqueda, hay poca información sobre la web social en España?, me parecen que son pocos los artículos encontrados para una primera búsqueda, además que como bien dices, la mayoría están en inglés. Bueno es tarea que también nos atañe a nosotros como profesionales de la información y por supuesto de la presencia nuestra en las redes sociales. Quizás sea éste un tema que tengamos que ver más detenidamente, y profundizar sobre las lagunas o sobre la calidad de la información que sobre el tema exista.
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Luis este post se relaciona y complementa mucho con otro de una compañera Susanna http://susannawebsocial.blogspot.com/